Clara upon Presentation.

Clara came to us one Sunday morning at the beginning of March having just been found wandering the streets of Gordon's Bay and handed to the Pug Rescue Society. She had severe ulceration of both eyes from lack of tear production ('dry eye') and exacerbated by abrasion from her facial skin fold. The ulceration was causing total blindness. She also had bad skin disease including mange, dental disease and was malnourished. Following a week of eye and skin treatments Clara underwent anaesthesia to remove her facial skin fold (to prevent abrasion), attend to her dental disease and spay her. She then stayed in our hospital for 4 weeks for eye drops - at first once every hour, reducing to three times a day when she was discharged, weekly baths and a multitude of skin treatments. Clara won over all the hearts of our staff and her many visitors from Pug Rescue who came to spoil her with regular walks and treats.


Clara after 1 month post presentation. Her eyes are healing, her vision has returned and her confidence grows every day. Well done to all the St Francis staff and Pug Rescue for Clara's recuperation- she has gone to a foster home for the final stages of her treatment and will soon be ready for adoption to a new home. Long term 'dry eye' therapy requires once or twice daily eye drops to stimulate and, or replace tear production to prevent eye ulceration.